
There’s a bird
that’s between mourning
dove and whippoorwill, that lives in
those dusty streets I ran.  And
those streets are the other side of Earth
from here.
But here’s the thing:

I don’t know names. To name it
fails to capture what is.  Running down streets bare
feet with fields, firewood burning dust and ashes
falling sunlight filtered red and rosy cheeked.

The haunting calls.

Despite it all I named love.  I named it
to know it and to call it
capture forgets who chose the ring
my heart

to keep
the pieces as one

But then what is your name? 
And I don’t want to call it.  Words dance
in a circle of games and eyes and
never speaking the pockets full of
things we know.  Looks to filter
light and laughter and other ways
we are.  If.

And I left that haunt of the bird and I
left the sun and ashes in the dust
and I know it was so long ago but

when we parted the dust
never settled. 

I heard it again today,
here.  The call.
That bird.

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